Neil MacPherson RSA RGI RSW - Life is a Strange Place
12th October - 2nd November 2024
As an early Graduate from Glasgow School of Art, exhibiting in the Compass Gallery New Generation Show in 1978, Neil MacPherson showed himself to be a truly creative and passionate painter. Delving into the depth of his imagination and inspired by his surroundings, he displays strong emotional responses, creating unique imagery. His many sources come from reading history, Gaelic songs and verse, Norse legends, myths of the North, marks on the land of forgotten lives. People, strange animals and symbols on Pictish stone carvings inspire him to paint their longings and searchings in their long forgotten existence and yearnings for their future. Looking at nature and the changing colours and seasons of the landscape while walking; love, loss and music - all of these fill his thoughts. He ultimately transfers all of this life experience into his work, his paintings are often tender and romantic, full of the strength of relationships. Gordon Brown writes “Exploring the struggle in human relationships, he gives meaning to the simplest of things whilst challenging us to look within ourselves for the subtle clues that unlock our own imagination.”